The 8% Club: Achieving Extraordinary Goals in 2025

The 8% Club Achieving Extraordinary Goals in 2025

As we kick off 2025, I’m sharing my personal journey of setting super big dreamy goals and how you can do the same. 

In this episode, I’ll walk you through how I’m using visualization, bold actions, and deep self-reflection to create a powerful roadmap for success this year.

Dream Big, Start Bold

I share my personal approach to setting audacious goals and how taking bold steps right from the start creates momentum.

The Power of Five-Sensory Visualization

 I dive into the five-sensory visualization technique I use to vividly see, feel, and believe in my dreams as if they’ve already happened.

Why Alignment Matters

I reflect on how grounding my goals in my core beliefs ensures they bring joy and fulfillment, making them worth pursuing.

Overcoming the Fear of Big Dreams

I explore how to navigate the fear that comes with setting lofty goals and why pushing through it can lead to incredible breakthroughs.

The Key to Consistency

I share my strategies for staying focused and committed, ensuring I don’t give up on my dreams like so many others do.

Trusting the Process

I talk about embracing the journey, learning from setbacks, and finding growth in every step toward achieving super big dreamy goals.

Key Moments You Won't Want to Miss:

  • Why 2025 is My Year for Super Big Dreamy Goals -I reflect on what it means to aim for goals that feel almost impossible and why I’m challenging myself to step into new levels of boldness.
  • The Power of Visualization - I dive into the concept of five-sensory visualization and how I use it to see, feel, and believe in my goals before they even happen.
  • Aligning Goals with Your Values - I share how I’m grounding my aspirations in what matters most to me, ensuring that my goals align with my core beliefs and bring me joy.
  • What It Means to Be in the 8% - I explore why so many people give up on their goals and how I’m committing to staying consistent and focused to be part of the small group that succeeds.

Empowering Thoughts to Take With You:

From Becca Powers:

  • "This year, I’m not just dreaming big—I’m dreaming boldly and unapologetically."
  • "Visualization isn’t just seeing your goals—it’s feeling them, living them, and believing in them."
  • "When you root your goals in joy and positivity, they grow in ways you never imagined."
  • "The key to staying in the 8% who achieve their goals is consistency and belief."
  • "If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands."

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We Want to Hear From You!

I’d love to hear what super big dreamy goals you’re setting for 2025! Have you started visualizing them? What bold steps are you taking to make them happen? Share your journey with me on social media, or leave a comment or review. Your stories inspire me and others to keep reaching higher!


Welcome to the first episode of the Empowered Half Hour for 2025. I am cutting a solo episode today because I want to start the year off in your super big dreamy goals. I also want to set the stage of what to expect this year, We have fabulous guests. I cannot wait for you to like, get in and start to see what we have in store for you for this year.

We're going to come in strong with conversations with, people you may be aware of, and maybe not. But they are influencers and movers and shakers out in the industry. They're leaders. They're experts. They're doing things. And we're talking about confidence, fulfillment, aligning with your true self. Like the first conversations that are kicking off this new year are absolutely phenomenal.

Going to be what you need to have the best 2025 possible. That's the goal, right? I want to leave you empowered. I want you to have tools. I want you to have the things you need to be successful. So with that said, let's get in to the content for today's podcast. Guys, I want to talk to you about super big, dreamy goals.

Setting the Stage for 2025: Big Dreams and Big Goals

Now, as long as you're not driving, I want you to close your eyes for a second. I'm gonna close mine too, and just start thinking about like all the desires and all the dreams that you can think of from little goals to big goals. But what are these super big, dreamy goals? Do you wanna go on a luxury vacation to the uk?

Do you want to, buy your dream car? Do you want to go? Explore cooking classes. I don't know. Like some dreams might sound small to other people and others might sound, what's big for somebody is what I'm saying might be small for someone else. And what's small for someone else might be big for someone else.

So don't put rules on it is what I'm trying to say. Don't put rules on your goals. You can open your eyes, by the way, they're still closed, but I just wanted you to close your eyes for a second and start that delicious process of dreaming. We are so asleep in our day to day lives. I mean, this is January guys, we are in the start of 2025 and I do not want you to be asleep.

So wake up, grab your cup of coffee, grab some energy, go work out, do something. But wake up to the truth of who you are, your potential awaits. It's there within your grasp. And one of the ways to access it is dreaming the art of the dream, man. It's so cool. Like it, when I look back on some of the things I've been able do and accomplish and experience more importantly, as the journey is the coolest thing, it all started with a dream. So I've been in tech sales now for years, I mean, 15 year career in technology sales. And, but I remember on LinkedIn, the very first time I intentionally set my background, I was a sales leader, but I was working inside an organization. If you're watching this video, I have my dog behind me and she's crying.

That's Marley. Bye. Bye. That's Marley, if you can see her and if you can hear her, that's Marley and she's a Pitbull lab mix. We might have some Ridgeback in there. She's adorable, but she's also really sassy and I've got crackers on my desk and she wants some. So you might hear a wine every once in a while.

But going back to what I was saying, I remember the first time 15 years ago that I was like, you know what? I like my job as a corporate sales leader, but I want to be back in the field. I want to be. Using my leadership experience to help other leaders make, business decisions in IT. And I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but here's the thing. And the dream side of it, I also knew I wanted to travel. I was like, what if. What if I could create a career that did all the things that I just said that allowed me to use my gifts of like problem solving, leading leaders and doing all the skills that I'm doing here in the corporate office, but back into an independent contributor role.

And what if I got to travel on the dime of the customer or not on the customer, on the the company to all these different places in the United States, wouldn't that be awesome? And I said to myself, yes, Becca, that would be really awesome. And I downloaded a picture of, I still remember it to this day. It was an airplane wing. It was from the perspective of the person sitting in the passenger seat, looking out the window, and it was over a sunset city. And I put that as my LinkedIn background. Well, what do you know? Not short of six months later. That's exactly what I've ended up doing for majority of my career.

I have been an independent contributor. I've also spent half my time as a sales leader. So kind of like a half and half thing I've spent, I've gotten 10 presidents clubs. Not only have I traveled to customer sites, but I've gotten to travel to beautiful places like St. Thomas, Kauai, Hawaii. That's where my husband and I, we did our honeymoon there because I.

I had, earned a president's club and why not, take your honeymoon for free if you can, especially back in the day, this is going back 15. Now we got married 13 years ago in April, this upcoming April. So we were still pretty much in beginning to middle parts of our career. So free trip was great. But the reason I'm sharing all this detail is just to give you some imagery of that. It started with a dream. I had a dream that I wanted to do something specific with my career. But in addition to that, I also wanted to experience travel. I wanted to experience restaurants. I wanted to experience new landscapes, new, I wanted to experience potentially things that I could share with .

With my husband and my kids and all of those things came to fruition. I've traveled the entire United States. I've eaten at five star restaurants. I have won 10 different sales champions or presidents clubs, which always have a destination trip at the end of them. So I've had this very, with some people say like bougie career, it's also been very stressful because I'm in sales and I've had, quotas that I have to hit over and over and over again.

So your job's kind of always, on the line via performance, but once you get used to it, kind of. Go through it. But I want to ask you have just a moment of reflection before we really start to think about super big dreamy goals again for 2025. Can you think of a moment in time where you dreamt something like that?

Dreaming with Intention: Unlocking Your Potential

Where you? Intentionally, maybe put a photo up and that like drove you because your desire was so strong, you're like, Oh, I want to do that. Or, can you think of a time where the dream gave you this feeling inside of fulfillment? And like, even though you hadn't done the thing yet, you kind of had this like scared, nervous, and excited feeling. And you're like, you know what? Like that's worth pursuing. And I have seen people do everything from return to dancing. And not only did that increase their health and happiness, but it also ended up increasing their success. So there's this Part that when you pursue your super big dreamy goals that it starts adding, it's like the expansion 10 times in various areas of your life.

Your, enthusiasm goes up. Enthusiasm is a contagious energy. It, comes across to people that you work with, people that you interact with, people that you live with. You're end up being happier because now you have this contagious, enthusiastic, Approach to people and they're giving that they're marrying that back to you and you're like, oh my God, life is awesome and granted.

I know life isn't awesome. If you follow me, you know, I've been through tragedy. I've lost, most all of my family, my mom, my dad and my brother. And I'm sitting here at 46 years old as I record this. so life is not always easy. But life is always a duality. It is always a duality. I, my last episode was grieving and achieving, and I want you to take this message to heart, because I don't want you to not pursue the things that you know, deep inside you will make you happy, fulfill you, make you healthy impact the wellness of your family, impact your income potentially, because you're afraid. or because you're playing small, or because you forgot how to dream, like, So many people I call it when I do, I have a keynote that I love presenting. And by the way, if you guys, are in your business or in your company, I'm just going to say like, if you have any workshops or keynotes that you know, that are coming up and they're looking for speakers, please reach out to me, you can email me, directly at Becca powers. com, but I'm plugging this because there's something in the power of, and that's my primary keynote. I just delivered the other day for Dell and it went really, really well. So. super excited. It was for a department that was 700 people. And we talked about super big dreamy goals in this.

And one of the things that, came up and that I talk about in this presentation is join. This is your invitation to join the 8 percent club. What does that mean? Join the 8 percent club. Well, these statistics are actually stemmed at the peak time where people are setting goals, which is guess what's month, January, which ran, but the statistics say that 17%, only 17 percent of people set goals in the first place.

Join the 8 Percent Club: The Power of Actionable Goals

What? being in sales, I mean, I thought everybody sets goals, but statistically proven that only 17 percent of people actually set goals in the first place. But here's the good news and here's where the invitation to join the 8 percent club comes and half of those people Roughly eight. It's like 47 percent so this is why that the statistic is 8 percent but 47 percent of that 17 percent Said a different way 47 percent of the people who set goals are also set macro and micro goals or put smart goals around them, meaning that they actually put steps and take the action.

So it's one thing to set a goal. and, write down some things that you can do. Where the rubber hits the road guys is when you set the goal, When you have your super big dreamy goal, you put some macro and micro goals or some smart goals around it. And then you actually take the action.

Only 8 percent of people do that. But here's the thing about the 8 percent club guys. those 8 percent see massive movement. They see their dreams come to fruition. They see these goals come to life, even if they don't hit them other way. Like all the way, something awesome has happened because they set the goal in the first place.

So like, what if you're missing out on your, like the quality of your life because you're not giving yourself the chance to set super big, dreamy goals. So this is what this episode's about. It's about setting a super big, dreamy goal. So a lot of times people are like, well, I don't know what goal I want to set.

Let's not build goals from a place of self, harm or self, criticism is a better way to say it. Like, I don't want you to set a goal to lose 50 pounds because you think you're fat. Like, if you want to lose 50 pounds because you want to be in the. best fitness of your life. You want to feel your health and vitality and you want to have energy to do all that you want to have energy to travel, to be with your kids, to show up to work every day with a great attitude.

Then by all means, lose 50 pounds, set those goals, but your goals have to be tied to a positive emotion. And so this is a teaching moment here on the podcast goal setting is all over the place. You can Google it. we've all been setting goals since we were kids. I mean, talk to any three year old that wants to go to Disney, right?

Like, know that they want to go because they ask about it every day. but what I am trying to say is that goals set intentionally get accomplished. So just take the time and give yourself permission to set the goal in the first place. And if you don't know where to start, just think of something you've wanted. Like there could be Anything mean, I personally do want to lose some weight, but I don't want to lose the weight because, I'm criticizing myself. I want to lose weight so that I have more health and vitality. Like I was talking about and, I also want to travel more. Yes. I've traveled a lot for my work, I haven't done a lot of international travel yet.

So through my keynote speaking, for And through the years that I do have left in tech, I want to get out to, international travel more. And I would love for that to be sponsored through my work. So I'm kind of setting that intention. That's an idea of a super big dreamy goal. And then I will need to have my health and vitality to do that because I still have so many things going on.

Dream with Positivity

So I think you can see how this is starting to stack. And also that the intention behind the goal is. is rooted in positivity. Now, going back to the teaching moment, emotions have a frequency to them and frequencies like joy range really high. Frequencies like fear and self doubt, shame and guilt run really low so you don't want to set, for example, The goal to lose weight out of the fear of being fat or the shame of being fat. You want to set the goal to align with your joy and your vitality because that's a higher, like, again, from a science and metaphysics perspective, it's a higher level emotion.

And that emotion, when you're plugged into joy, is going to help that goal come into, reality. 10 times faster than setting a goal based upon shame and guilt. So I hope that makes sense. So as you're setting these super big dreamy goals, I want you to think about how can I root these goals and positivity.

Now I want you to take a moment. I am going to, Spend the next few minutes reading you a guided meditation. So if you're driving and listening to this, I obviously don't want you closing your eyes while you drive. I'm always very cognizant about that. I say it a lot on the show and it's just because I drive and listen to podcasts a lot.

So I'm always like very, very mindful of that. But if you are in a place where you can close your eyes, Please do this is going to be a gift to you for 2025 and if you are not in a place where you can close your eyes and I asked you to come back and listen to this podcast again, what we're going to do is we're going to take a super big dreamy goal.

So, hopefully, over the last 15 minutes or so, you've started to figure out at least 1 thing that you would like to do for yourself. But if you haven't grabbed that 1 thing yet, I want you to. Create one personal goal that you would like to see accomplished in 2025. And again, I'm going to say one that's super big, dreamy goal, and then one goal professionally, one super big, dreamy goal that you want to set for yourself professionally.

And what that's going to do is really start to anchor you in. Now that you have one personal goal, what is it? Say it to yourself out loud. And one professional goal, what is it? to yourself out loud. Good. Now I want you to go back to this personal goal. And as you say it out loud again, here's your personal goal. I want you to tie a, positive emotion to it. What will you feel once this is accomplished? Will it be joy? Will it be fulfillment? Will it be excitement? Will it be love? what is the positive emotion associated with it? And then we're going to do that same thing for your professional goal.

What's your professional goal? what does achieving it give you? Is it, pride? Is it a promotion? so is it security like, abundance, security can be low, a low level emotion, but abundance is a high level. So you see this game, it can get kind of tricky and I'm glad I caught myself there.

The Five Sensory Meditation Exercise

Cause I'm going to be teaching you guys the right way, but you want to make sure that. You are aligning your goals to a positive emotion. So now that we have that, I'm going to ask you to pick one of the two. I don't care which one it is. It could be your personal goal. It can be your professional goal. But what we're going to do is a five sensory, meditation and our visualization, really, it's a visualization exercise, which is phenomenal to do in the energy of the beginning of the year. and then once you feel this and you come out of this exercise later, after you're done listening to the podcast, I want you to put some smart goals to it or some macro being made, like my big goal is.

Whatever you set my micro goal is you can like do three or four micro goals, which is, this is what I like teaching is like, if my goal was, I want to travel more internationally for work, that's my, macro goal. My. micro goal would be like, let me explore, five potential opportunities that would help this come to fruition and okay.

So then that would require me,looking through my contacts and then. physically reaching out to people and then starting to build, some responses from that. And from those responses, maybe start, whether it's with my full time employment or whether it's through my, keynotes start, having joint conversations with potential client slash opportunity.

To see where the win win is and, what that travel might look like. So I can start building in like macro goals. Like, okay, this week I want to build my contact list. next week I want to reach out to them. The week after that, I want to start scheduling meetings, with the people who have replied.

And then the following micro goal would be to actually start planning the session, and start mapping the business outcomes to whatever client I'm assisting. But again, these. I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be reading you the five sensory visualization that's in a return to radiance.

If you haven't gotten it yet, The beginning of the year is the best time to read this. Actually, there's never a bad time to read it. It's phenomenal. and I'm not saying that because I wrote it. I just really feel like it was, gifted to me from consciousness, from infinite intelligence. It is really beautiful to have written this book. It has a lot of gems in it. but the one that I'm sharing with you on this episode is the five sensory visualization. And this is what athletes do. This is what movie stars do, or some of your biggest influencers, they tap into all five senses because the five senses coming online.

Again, helps that manifestation process. So if you really want your super big dreamy goals to come to life and you want to be part of that 8 percent club, then this is a meditation you can do. It's in chapter 15 if you have the book or if you have the audio and so get yourself seated in comfortable position and together we're going to close our eyes and we're going to take a big inhale through the nose for a count of four.

We're going to hold for two. And we're going to exhale powerfully through the mouth. Ah, it feels so good. Let's go ahead and take another inhale through the nose for a count of four, hold for two, and then powerfully exhale out everything that did not serve you from 2024.

There you go. Now shake it out. You can open your eyes for a second and just feel that centeredness. Now, I invite you to bring your super big dreamy goal forward, whether it's your personal one or professional one, but right now, right here, what goal are you going to focus on? Say it out loud and then name the emotion that you're going to feel.

Now that you've done all that, I invite you to close your eyes. that super big dreamy goal front and center your mind's eye as we begin the meditation. Let's take one more inhale together in through the nose for a count of four and a soft exhale through the mouth. If you're wondering what to do with your hands, you can put them on your lap, palms up. But this is just an opportunity to sit straight in a comfortable position, eyes closed, and do long, deep breathing as you go through this exercise. Thank you

With your super big dreamy goal in the middle of your mind's eye, imagine what will be experienced by your five senses. What are you visualizing and what positive outcomes does it embody? What do you see when you do this? What do you hear? What do you taste? What do you feel? What do you smell?

Once you know what you intend to visualize, Begin to let it come to fruition without being interrupted. Let the background noises become part of the experience. Keep your eyes closed and just keep a few breaths. I invite you to start to visualize the activity or the achieving of the desired goal that you picked.

Keeping your eyes closed, allow those details to start to come up to the surface. What do you see? What colors, shapes, and textures are around you? What does the scene look like? Who is with you? Take it all in. Next, focus on the sounds. What do you hear? Is it the sound of nature? Applause? The voice of a loved one? Focus on environmental noises. Allow yourself to hear everything loudly. Next, engage your sense of touch. Are you holding anything? Are you touching something or someone? Do you feel wind or sunshine on your face? Are there handshakes, warm embraces, or physical activity? As you deepen into your experience, really feel everything that happens.

Remember to keep your eyes closed and keep breathing deeply as you enter the world of taste. Are foods and drinks part of this experience? Can you taste your victory? Can you taste the air? Next, focus on the sense of smell. Invite the aromas and fragrances are all around you. Are there pleasant smells of incense, oils or perfumes? Do you smell food? Do you smell the forest, the ocean, or other aspects of nature? Do you smell the familiar scent of a loved one? Visualize all the smells that might exist. Finally, bring together all the senses for a full embodiment of the experience. Allow yourself to feel the electrifying and satisfying emotions of reaching this goal, accomplishment, or desire.

Savor the moment and take it all in. Breathe deeply with pride knowing that you are capable of this. And when you feel ready, gently bring your focus back to the present. Take another deep breath and release the visualization. Express gratitude for this incredible opportunity to engage in this mental and spiritual rehearsal, since the potential it unlocks is infinite.

This Year’s Successes Await You

Know that you are equipped with both the mental and physical prowess to succeed. And when those eyes of yours flutter open, carry that positive energy, that unwavering into every moment of your day. Trust in your abilities, for you have prepared yourself inside and out for the success that awaits.

And when you are ready, raise your arms in a V for victory! You have done your part. First visualization or maybe second or third, but this one is a five sensory. So give yourself a moment of celebration. And with that, I thank you so much for being a valued listener of the empowered half hour. If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

We are trying to get a very big following on Apple this year. So Please support us. If you like it, share with your friends, tag people, leave a review. you might hear some of those in the post recording, some of that requests in the post recording comments as well. But I really just want to say like, we couldn't do what we do without you.

We had a wonderful year of 2024 of the empowered half hour, and this is all for you. So have a wonderful 2025. Tune into the next episode. It's going to be on confidence and you will not want to miss it. I'll see you guys on the next episode.


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