Empowering Women For Workplace Resilience

Finding Strength and Perseverance for Women in the Workplace with Client Success Manager Jen Rase

To all the women out there, even if you're struggling, even if you're going through what you're going through, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to be positive. 

You have to want it and it'll happen. You just gotta keep going. You can't give up. 

- Jen Rase


What does it take to find strength and perseverance as a woman in today's fast-paced workplace? In this empowering episode, Becca Powers engages in a captivating conversation with Jen Rase, the dynamic new addition to the Peak Powers Potential team. Together, they embark on an exploration of resilience and empowerment, shedding light on the strategies women can employ to thrive amidst the complexities of the modern workplace.  Join us as we uncover the pillars of strength that support women in carving their path to professional success and personal fulfillment.

Jen Rase's Inspiring Journey

From her early days in the banking and finance sectors to her transformative role at Peak Powers Potential, Jen's journey is a testament to the power of resilience. She shares her candid experiences with personal and professional obstacles, including the challenges of overcoming alcohol abuse and the pressure of exceeding expectations. Jen's story is a beacon of hope, demonstrating how determination and self-belief can lead to triumph over adversity.

Empowerment and Growth

Jen delves into the pivotal lessons learned through her experiences, emphasizing the significance of self-care and prioritizing family. Her journey of growth illuminates the importance of asserting boundaries in the workplace and the transformative impact of standing up against mistreatment.

Cultivating Positive Work Environments

Becca and Jen discuss the toxic environments they've encountered in their careers and the transformative power of healthy workplace cultures. Jen reflects on the breath of fresh air she found at Peak Powers Potential, where she can excel professionally while prioritizing her family. Becca highlights the importance of supporting one another and creating positive impacts in the workplace.

Embracing Adversity and Leaving a Legacy

As the conversation concludes, Becca and Jen share empowering thoughts for listeners. They emphasize the importance of staying positive, persevering through challenges, and embracing adversity as a catalyst for growth. Jen's journey serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the potential for profound transformation. 

Key Moments You Won't Want to Miss:

  • Prioritize Yourself and Family: Jen emphasizes the importance of putting oneself and family first, highlighting the need to prioritize well-being over career demands.
  • Stand Against Mistreatment: Becca and Jen discuss the detrimental effects of toxic work environments and the importance of standing firm against mistreatment, advocating for personal boundaries and self-respect.
  • Embrace Adversity as a Catalyst for Growth: Both Becca and Jen share insights into embracing adversity as a tool for personal and professional growth, emphasizing the resilience gained through overcoming challenges.
  • Transformative Power of Healthy Workplace Cultures: Jen reflects on her experience at Peak Powers Potential, highlighting the positive impact of a supportive and inclusive work environment on personal well-being and professional success.
  • Leaving a Legacy of Strength and Resilience: Becca and Jen conclude with a message of empowerment, encouraging listeners to persevere through hardships and leave behind a legacy of strength, resilience, and positivity.

Empowering Thoughts to Take With You:

  • “Definitely always put yourself and your family first. There are plenty of other jobs out there. You can find another job, but you can't find another family.” - Jen Rase
  • “Don't put up with somebody who will replace you the minute you walk out the door.” - Jen Rase
  • And that's why the work that we do here in Powers Peak Potential is so important because we do get to work with corporations and teams to help create healthy cultures that are free from burnout, psychological abuse, or psychological safety problems.” - Becca Powers
  • “Working at Powers Peak Potential is a breath of fresh air. I have prayed for God to help me find something where I can excel and still be a part of my family's life and get my work done too. It's such a mind shift from where corporations have been over the years. And I'm really looking forward to having conversations in the future where women don't have to go through what we've gone through.” - Jen Rase
  • “There's so much more room to support than there is to criticize. And when we lift each other up, we get to not only enjoy the experiences 10x more, but then we get to impact others in a really positive way too.”  - Becca Powers

About Jen:

Jen Rase is an accomplished Client Success Manager at Powers Peak Potential, bringing a rich background in banking, finance, and superior customer service within the telecommunications and financial services industries to her role. Her expertise in event planning further enhances her ability to manage projects and foster meaningful client relationships effectively. Living in Minford, Ohio, with her family and their beloved dog, Jen skillfully balances her professional responsibilities with her roles as a dedicated wife and mother. Her passion for positively impacting clients' success and her adeptness at navigating complex projects with ease make her an indispensable part of the Powers Peak Potential team, exemplifying a remarkable blend of professional excellence and personal commitment.

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Workplace with Client Success Manager Jen Rase

Welcome to another episode of the emPOWERed Half Hour, and I am so excited to bring you today's guest. Last episode, you met Lenay Looney, who is the co-founder and CEO of Powers Peak Potential. And today you're going to meet our client success manager and executive assistant Jen Rase, and she just joined our team about a month ago, and it is an absolute delight to have her.

On our team. She's a badass. You're going to love her. But Jen, welcome to the show. 

Thank you. I'm excited.

Yeah, I'm excited too. Yeah, I mentioned that you just joined us about a month ago. It's so great to have you on the team. I can already feel your contributions, but with it being International Women's Month and Employee Appreciation Month. I couldn't find a better way to celebrate that than having you and Lynae on the show. So, Let's get into it a little bit. You just joined us, right? And give the audience a little bit of background of yourself. How did you end up here?

The Rocky Journey of Resilience

What's your backstory before you ended up here? Tell me more.

Okay. Yeah. So, growing up, I had a little bit of a challenging childhood. So, my mom was an active drug addict. I mean, me and my sister, we, she would leave us at the house. I was 6, she was 3. And, I kind of had to play that mother role for her and take care of her at 6 years old, that insane responsibility, right? Right. And, eventually, she came home 1 day and was like, okay, girls, let's get your clothes ready. I'm going to take you to your grannies, which are my dad's, mother and, she's still alive today. I have her at 33 years old.

I couldn't. be more, oh, I love her and she took us there and. I remember her, like, packing our clothes. and I was like, Mom, why are you packing all of our stuff? And she was like, well, I'm just going to have her wash everything. I need to go to Florida and work and I'll be back to get you.

Well, she dropped us off. Never, come back and got us, whatever. So, we ended up my granny basically saved us from being like, in foster care and that good stuff. So from there, I lived with her until, like, my 8th grade year and then. She sheltered me, you know, I couldn't go anywhere.

My friends could come to my house, but I would never go to their house. So once I hit like my eighth-grade year, I was like, okay, like rebellious, like I want to do stuff and the teenage years. And so my mom was doing really good at that point in her life. And I decided to move back with her. So, I did, and 1 day, she was like, hey, get in the car.

we're going to put in job applications. That was back, way back when, when you, like, filled it out by going in person, you know, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so I did, and I got the job, and she made me. Hey, the bill, so I was like, going to high school and paying the bills. I miss out on football games and sports and, just like doing all the high school situations.

On Past Struggles, Pivotal Moments, Prioritizing Well-Being

So, it sounds like you've always been put in a position to be like, overly responsible, kind of justly. Right? 

Yeah, and so I worked there for about a year and then I went home from work. She didn't come to pick me up. So, 1 of my coworkers took me home and. I remember pulling up to our house and there were like, ambulances and cops and, all that stuff and they're like, hey, your mom overdosed.

Do you have anywhere to go? And I was like. Yeah, my granny, I can go back there and they're like, we'll go and pack a bag and we'll take you there. or my dad came and got me actually. So then I lived with her until my junior year, and then my mom got back on the right track and then I ended up moving back with her where I reside.

Now, I'm inside the county. So, I got a job at Arby's. I started working, my junior and senior years there, just. Getting the network filled, back in the field, so I had the boss. Her name was Kelly and I caught her mama Kelly and she. It helped me so much, like that work ethic, so I learned a lot from her and then I got pregnant with my 13-year-old son.

I got married shortly 6 months later. Got divorced, you know, I see really. Yes. So here I am, working in this job and then being a single mom, and I was done with the fast food stuff. So I ended up getting a job at Walmart and I worked there overnight. So I went in at like, 10 o'clock, got off at 7 and then my granny would keep Isaac for me.

So I didn't have to do daycare and. A little bit later, I found an apartment back. inside the county, and I moved there and we're still working and then I wasn't making enough money. Like, I remember 1 day, someone made fun of me for having the box TV. with the back of it, and I finally had enough money to go get a flat-screen TV.

Such a big moment when things like, I've had the days of being a single mom, too, and I've had to pay groceries on different credit cards, just to make it and then so I feel that in a very real way, when you finally get to get the upgraded or the new thing, it's a really big deal, right?

Yeah, it was. And then, I got it and my car payment was due, so I had to resell it, unfortunately, to pay my car paper. And so I was like, back at square 1. and then I came across a job opportunity, at the Portsmouth Brewing Company and, I was working. I would like change my clothes in the bathroom and drive to Walmart and I'd be up for like, 24 hours, like, working both jobs.

And I was like, right and I'm like, okay, I'm making good money at this new job, like, I'm going to let Walmart go because I was driving, like, 45 minutes to get there. And, my new job was, like, 15 minutes away. So it just makes sense. And so I worked there for about 7 years and, I really, I loved it. I made it my own. I acted like it was my business. Like, I took care of everybody. My boss, her name's Angie. I still talk to her from time to time. Fabulous. yeah, it took me under her wing and showed me how to cook she, like, molded me into the working field, and that's where I learned everything when I was there and did events with her, right? You mentioned that.

Oh, yeah. I love events and there's plenty of that in this world. So, I can't wait to get out in the field and do some events with you too. Right? I know.

I'm so excited. And, at that point in my life, I ended up. Alcohol is pretty bad. Like I drank a lot and ended up getting a DUI when I was 21 and

Hey, I got a DUI when I was 25.

Yeah, yeah. And  I felt like, oh, it was so horrible. I've never been in trouble before. Same and so, I did all that and I wasn't the best mom at that point in my life, because I was still trying to figure myself out and, I picked myself up off the ground after that, you know what I mean? And I was just like, okay, like, I've got to get my stuff together. so I did and then I ended up meeting my now husband, while I was working there and we've been together for like. Going on 9 years, I got pregnant with Kaylin. So, I ended up stopping working when I was like, 6 months along, I think, and then he was like, okay, like, just take some time off.

And like, my health wasn't really good. Anyways, like, I was like. High risk, so I took off some work and then I ended up when she was like, 6 months old. I got a job at a local credit union. atomic credit union, and I was there for about 2 and a half years. I loved it. I love the girls that I worked with.

It was great, but, it was like, going to work every day, like, am I going to lose my job? Like. Am I going to get fired today? Is the regional manager going to be there and be like, well, you're terminated if you made 1 little mistake, they like…

Yeah, it's not fun working in an environment where the fear is palpable.

No, no. And so I just didn't feel like I was so loyal to this company. And I felt like I wasn't appreciated, so, unfortunately, I did end up getting fired from there and I was. Devastated because my drawer was short and it just was awful. So, it didn't take me long. I got a job at and t.

How It Is to Work in Toxic Environments

Okay. I love that because, I'm in tech, and like, when I tech background I was like, Hey girl, I see you. I know. Yeah. And, I love the people I worked with. I was always in the top three in sales every month. I mean, when I hit the floor running, I had it and because, you know, I can talk to people. I know a lot of people around here. So it was like, people come in and be like, oh, hey, they're like, oh, you're here working. I'm like, yeah. So, and then the manager there, he. Was, I would say, a womanizer a narcissist, you know, I ended up working in a toxic work environment too. 

And Something happened while one of the regional managers was there and so after they left and stuff, like, he ended up. He recommended me on the floor in front of my customer, who was my cousin's friend. So I have proof, And then he ended up pulling me in the office and was like, you're a liar.

I didn't do that. And I was like, you said it like, you did it like, stop. Yeah. And so I ended up walking out, like, all set, and then the HR department called me and was like, I'm so sorry. Do you want to work in another location? Like, we don't want you to quit. and I was like. No, not really like that, that was a really bad experience for me, and I was really, really excited to work there.

So, they're like, you can come back at any time. Like, it was no thought to be around. And I was like, okay, know, thank you. So, shortly after I got a job at Discover Bank, and I had banking experience. It was great working from home. I was like, yes, I can. be at home with my kids and not have to worry about anything.

And It was a lot. Like, they made you go by a script. If you didn't hit certain, like,

that to me, you had to like, at every point. Otherwise, you're in trouble, right? 

And they would listen to your calls. So, you would get graded and I was just like. Not being able to do my like, I went in from 2 to 10 PM.

So that's, like, awful. That's awful hours for a mom, like your dinner time and all that stuff too. Right?

Right. And I was just like, I cannot do this anymore. So I just was done with the and Casey was like, fine, you're planning a wedding, take some time off, be, whatever. So we spent that summer.

We bought a brand new camper. We went camping, we went on trips and I was able to enjoy my family for the 1st time, so I'm thankful for, like, all those experiences, but it just really showed me, like, how much. Corporate does not care about you. 

Yeah. There's so much in what you said that I just want to talk about. I mean, oh, my gosh, there's so, it's International Women's Month. 1st of all, you shared this work experience that you had at, AT&T work experience can happen anywhere, I worked for a company to that. I had like, it was narcissistic. Based company, and it really well, I didn't have that same experience.

I did get asked to be 50 percent of myself. I got asked to dim my own light and it really messed with my self-esteem. And my self-worth and so, in the spirit of that. 

Empowering Lessons: Prioritize Family, Refuse Mistreatment, Embrace Adversity

I just want to talk about, I mean, obviously, you've rebounded and you healed, but, what did you learn from that lesson?

Like, what made you stronger? There are women that are listening to this that have experienced the same thing that maybe didn't have the courage to say anything about it or to handle their situation. Like, again, I left my role. You left your role, But I always like to pull a positive lesson out of the adversity we face.

So, like, what would you say is something you've learned from that experience?

Definitely always put yourself 1st and your family. There are plenty of other jobs out there. you can find another job, but you can't find another family. Yes, you know what I mean? So always put yourself, your family, and your health first.

Don't put up with somebody treating me that way, like, they will replace you the minute you walk out the door. They'll put your job on indeed. Like, no questions asked, like, you're replaceable in their eyes, like, they're just there. So you do the little things for them. So they're getting paid for it.

They don't care. Like, what you have going on or, you know what I mean? And like, yes, I remember 1 time. I was working at the bank and my little girl was at the 2nd daycare and I was like, hey, I have to go get her, and I didn't have any hours or sick time left. And they're like, well, you're going to have to find someone to get her because if you leave, you're at your maximum, and I was just like. Okay, like, my kid, so that right there. I was like, okay, I see you. I see exactly. I remember many times in my corporate career, having similar experiences, think goes on, like, the 3rd or 4th time when the kids were in daycare of them having over a 100-degree fever and I had to go pick them up.

Like, you're saying, And I was out of time and had a very similar conversation, like, Becca, you're a top performer, but, you're going to need to find somebody else to support you. Because if you leave again, we might have to write you up or take further action. And I'm sitting there like. I'm mom, I'm a human being who has to take care of another human being. And the fact that you're threatening me with my job is pretty damn ridiculous. So I think it's right. It's an important conversation to have and for us to, like, talk about that experience because there are other people facing it too. And it feels very scary when you're threatened.

Like that, but I found an immense amount of power when I stood my ground. And I don't know what happened in your case, but in my case, I did not end up losing my job. and. I really leaned into the fact that I'm a mom and a top performer, like, I need space to be both. So I don't know what your thoughts are on that, but I would love to hear, like, your point of view of what you think of, working mobs in the field today.

Yeah, absolutely. Like, those are your dependents. Like, they depend on you. And if you can't be there for them, who else is going to be there for them at the end of the day? You know what I mean? I just don't see how their minds work. it's just like, oh, we don't care about you.

Transformative Cultures: Working at Peak Powers Potential

And that's why, the work that we do here, Power to Speak Potential is so important because we do get up in the workplace and we're working with corporations and, teams to help create healthy cultures that are free from burnout, that are free from, you know, those type of, psychological abuse, or psychological safety problems.

I haven't had an opportunity to ask you, but how does it feel working for a company that supports the opposite of everything you've experienced? Oh,

It is a breath of fresh air. Like, I have prayed. literally, like, please, God, help me find something where I can excel and still be a part of my family's life and, get my work done to, like, when I can and it's just like, so awesome to me that I can actually for the 1st time put my family 1st, put my husband 1st, like, be there for him or, the kids’ sporting events, like I've had to miss out on so many sporting events that it's just sickening to me, and it just sucks. but, I am really thankful for the opportunity, and I love you guys so much. You know what I mean? Like, it's just like, I feel free. 

I was just going to say, and you're, vibrating, like, really good energy.

You show up with enthusiasm at work. And I think that's the piece, right? When you're able to treat the people you work with and work for you or whatever the relationship is with respect, you treat them like a human being. You give them the freedom to get their work done in a way that supports their family life.

There's been a scarcity mindset in corporate America for a long time, but this revolution is starting to happen where you start to give the things that you're talking about and you show up even more, you show up excited, you show up with ideas, when you're interacting with our clients, you're very happy and they love you to pieces.

So, it's such a mind shift from where corporations have been over the years. And I'm really looking forward to having conversations in the future where women don't have to go through what we've gone through.

Right. That would be if our company has any role to play in that, that would make my heart so happy.

It's very positive energy here and I couldn't be happier.

How With Determination and Positivity Can Help You Overcome Obstacles and Be Strong and Resilient

Let's change gears a little bit and we shared a lot of your background and of your personal and professional experiences. but what would you say? One lesson that's up for you right now, or 1 as you reflect back on the past.

So, I feel like. It was like a blessing in disguise, with everything that I've gone through, like, it made me a stronger woman. It made me more independent and, even knew that I had to grow up at a very small age. I feel like that has made me more of a person. It's made me a go-getter.

It's made me be loyal. I'm a very loyal person too. Everybody in my family, like, in all my jobs, I have always been so loyal, been there on time, never called off, like, done what was asked of me. And I just feel like, even though I had to get a job at a young age, I feel like that made me more independent and a better person in society.

And, I like to lift people up. I'm very there for the woman. If I see someone went in, like, you're a badass.

Yeah, exactly. There's so much more room to support than there is to criticize. And when we lift each other up, we get to not only enjoy the experiences 10 times more, but then we get to impact others in a really positive way too.

Right, and I want to show my little girl how women should be so go off. Yes. 

That's what it's about. We get to when you can leverage and, like, embrace your adversity as your ally, you then get to have this different point of view, like you're saying, instead of feeling victimized, you're like, listen, I might have been through some hard stuff, but every single thing I have been through has helped me become the woman that I am today and now I know that I'm in a position where I can not only help myself and my family but help someone else. 

And like you said, when you have kids, just those actions, you being more authentically you and showing up for yourself and other people lets you leave behind the legacy. And I think that's the coolest thing that I've seen unfold as I've gotten to work with more and more, whether it's women or high-performance teams when these boundaries get put in place and priorities get shifted around legacy and impact seem to be the biggest outcomes.

Absolutely. Yeah.

So cool. All right. So I want to ask another question. I can't believe, like, we are just a few minutes away from being done. 30 minutes fly by every single time. I'm always surprised. I'm like, I look up and I'm like, oh, my gosh, it's almost over. so

What's an empowering thought or a statement that you could give the listeners today based upon where you're at now, and where you see yourself going?

I would say to all the women out there, even if you're struggling, even if you're going through what you're going through, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

You just have to be positive. You have to want it and it'll happen. you just gotta keep going, you can't give up and I did not give up and everything that I've been through in my life has made me stronger. So, I'm not mad about everything that I've gone through. It just makes me very thankful that I did not end up the way that you could have exactly.

Absolutely. I love that message so much. And, well, Jen, thank you for being part of the Powers Peak Potential team. We are just absolutely thrilled to have you. Thank you for being a guest on the empowered half hour with only being a month here. Like, come on the podcast. I want people.

I love it. I love it.

That's awesome. Well, thanks again. And that wraps up this week's episode. I know.

Thank you for having me. Bye.


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