Exciting Changes for TEHH this 2024!

TEHH 2024

As we gear up for another thrilling year, The emPOWERed Half Hour (TEHH) is cranking up the excitement with some major changes in 2024. Brace yourselves for a fresh wave of energy and more empowering moments!

Bi-weekly schedule for the first half of the year!

We will release episodes every two weeks for the first half of the year. Fear not, our savvy listeners, because these episodes are going to be like a concentrated burst of emPOWERment. Quality over quantity, baby!

Next, is our TEHH Binge-Party 

Circle January 24th, 2024, on your calendars, because that's when the TEHH Time premiere bash is going down. We're dropping a batch of episodes that will have you hooked from the get-go. It's like a Netflix binge, but better!

Lastly, We want to say Thank you to you! 

In 2023, we pulled off something mind-blowing – a jaw-dropping, gotta-do-a-double-take 14,802 downloads!  It's all thanks to your fierce, fabulous, and downright fantastic support! Let's keep the download party going strong in 2024!

Again, massive thanks, TEHH fam, for being the wind beneath our podcast wings. Your ears, your vibes, your energy – it's the secret sauce that fuels TEHH. To all my fellow motivational junkies who've graced our mic, thank you for sharing your impactful stories. And to all the TEHH enthusiasts, whether you're a pro or a newbie, my gratitude knows no bounds.

Stay emPOWERed and gear up for 2024 loaded with improved, bold, and emPOWERing content!


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