Building On Your Public Speaking Skills with AmondaRose Igoe

Episode 13

Do you ever get sweaty palms and a racing heartbeat at the mere thought of speaking in front of a crowd? 

Trust me, I get it! 

But what if we told you that you could crush public speaking and have the confidence to captivate an audience of hundreds or thousands?

I know it is better said than done, but truthfully speaking, everyone has their own ability to make their talk engaging—we just need a dose of confidence to harness this skill.

AmondaRose Igoe was once just like every one of us—daunted by the thought of speaking in front of other people. But she discovered her unique ability to create fun and engaging content, and in this episode, she will share with us her journey to becoming an effective public speaker, plus the various tips and lessons she has gathered to achieve her kind of confidence.

Who knows—AmondaRose’s lessons and experiences  could be your building blocks to developing your own kind of confidence, too! 

Be the next effective public speaker to empower people who might be as nervous as you are right now. Take a leap of faith, believe in yourself, and get that spotlight that you deserve!

Thoughts to Empower 

  • “I felt like I had developed a voice that had the ability to communicate ideas in a way that was creative, fun and engaging, and that got people to think about things in different ways.” – AmondaRose Igoe
  • “There could be a zillion reasons that someone doesn't resonate with us. Not everyone's going to love you and your message. So when I accepted that, I realized I could be authentically myself .” – AmondaRose Igoe
  • “The thing that all of us do better than anyone else is to be ourselves.” – AmondaRose Igoe
  • “I respect and value my time, knowledge, and energy. As a result, others respect and value my time, knowledge, and energy.” – AmondaRose Igoe

Key Points From This Episode:

  • How to develop one's public speaking skills
  • How to make your audience understand you without overwhelming them
  • Honoring what others hold dear earns their respect 
  • The importance of storytelling in presentation and its ability to create emotional connections and trust
  • Speaking as a powerful tool to generate income and increase business impact
  • Why you need to be an engaging speaker to elevate your career

About AmondaRose Igoe:

AmondaRose Igoe, "Speaking Success Strategist", Award-Winning Speaking Expert, and Best-Selling-author, has taught thousands of business owners, coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs her step-by-step proven speaker training and presentation coaching systems.

AmondaRose has been featured on CBS, NBC, FOX, and Chicken Soup for the Soul. She is the author of "Pain-Free Public Speaking" and "Share Your Story," and she has over twenty years of experience as a speaker, trainer, and coach.

She is the host of the global Unstoppable Speakers Success Summit, where she interviewed internationally renowned experts, such as Jack Canfield, Debbie Allen, and Blair Singer. The power of what AmondaRose teaches has helped her clients from over 20 countries overcome their biggest speaking challenges and skyrocket their presentation results.

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